Prayers of the People: Sunday February 11, 2024 – Margot Higgins
We come to you Lord: together we pray with your people across our country, across our world. We are one as we bring ourselves and others before you.
As we move into this new calendar year, we ask that you will take what we bring from our past and lead us on: into new directions where these are calling, into fresh insights and willingness which will enhance our living and our giving, as we walk the paths that you open before us.
We come as an all-age community, praying for those stepping out in new directions held in an unfolding school year, ready for new learnings in further studies, looking for a place in the world of work, considering new places and patterns of living…
And Lord, help us always to step back and see that we are part of the larger whole: alongside people who find themselves in situations they could never have imagined, places of abuse, of war where many are forced to be refugees…places where people must work for low wages – or no wages…
And as we step back, we see also the ‘goodness’ in our world: we pray for the peacemakers and peacekeepers across nations, within homes: give them the support they need, and a glimpse of a more wholesome future.
Lord, you bind us also to the earth where it is under stress and in pain. We pray for UnitingWorld, right there, present in vulnerable places, committing themselves – and us – to heal our planet. We commit ourselves to this crucial time of Lent Event – praying, giving to lands and to people where we cannot go ourselves.
And in Roseville here, just where you have placed us in this time, prepare us to walk with you through these Lenten days….as we see your own journey unfold, may we step into the journey that you have for us here. We offer our leadership, our presence, our support and encouragement: we bring our gifts, we bring ourselves.
And we bring before you, also, those needing special care and prayer at this time: we name them quietly before you. …
Together, we pray the Lord’s prayer:
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
Your kingdom come,
Your will be done on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
As we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
And deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours
Now and forever. Amen.